Being AQA booklet
Experience the AQA brand in this short visual guide to who we are and the assessment we stand for.


What's our visual voice?

Typography refines and brings impact to what we say.

Principal font: Open Sans
Accessible, versatile and widely used on the web. Recommended by the British Dyslexia Association. Use as your font across web and print.
Open Sans Light
Open Sans Regular
Open Sans SemiBold
Open Sans Bold
Open Sans ExtraBold
Microsoft font: Source Sans Pro
Your go-to for internal documents in Word, PowerPoint and for use in email. A sans serif font that works well across different interfaces. Accessible, easy to read and easy on the eye.
Source Sans Pro Light
Source Sans Pro Regular
Source Sans Pro SemiBold
Source Sans Pro Bold
Source Sans Pro Black
Typography properties
Headline XL – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
Font size: 2.5rem/40px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-brand-purple
Line height: 3.25rem/52px
Margin top: 1.5rem/24px
Margin bot: 0.75rem/12px
Headline large – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
Font size: 1.75rem/28px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-brand-purple
Line height: 2.5rem/40px
Margin top: 1.5rem/24px
Margin bot: 0.5rem/8px
Headline medium – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
Font size: 1.5rem/24px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-brand-purple
Line height: 2rem/32px
Margin top: 1.5rem/24px
Margin bot: 0.5rem/8px
Headline small – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
Font size: 1.25rem/20px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-brand-purple
Line height: 1.75rem/28px
Margin top: 1.5rem/24px
Margin bot: 0.75rem/12px
Headline XS – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;Font size: 1.125rem/18px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-brand-purple
Line height: 1.5rem/24px
Margin top: 1.5rem/24px
Margin bot: 0.5rem/8px
Body standfirst – Open Sans/SemiBold
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;Font size: 1.125rem/18px
Font weight: 600
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-interface-grey
Line height: 1.5rem/24px
Margin top: 0px
Margin bot: 1rem/16px
Body – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;Font size: 1rem/16px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-interface-grey
Line height: 1.5rem/24px
Margin top: 0px
Margin bot: 1rem/16px
Body small – Open Sans/Regular
Font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;Font size: 0.875rem/14px
Font weight: 400
Letter-spacing: Normal
Vertical-align: Baseline
Color: $color-interface-grey
Line height: 1.25rem/20px
Margin top: 0px
Margin bot: 1rem/16px
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