Being AQA booklet
Experience the AQA brand in this short visual guide to who we are and the assessment we stand for.


What’s our logo?

Our badge of honour. Wear it with pride.

The AQA logo is our principal visual icon. Just like us, it's simple, straightforward and carries authority.

We highlight the AQA 'Q' stroke, standing out in a sea of purple. This stroke becomes our motif, representing:

  • How questions matter
  • That each learner and teacher is an individual
  • Our independence of mind

The AQA logo

Download AQA logos

Logo files are currently restricted access
We’re handling logo requests on a case by case basis. Contact and we’ll help organise your logo assets.
How is our logo constructed?

Our logo has its roots in Raleway – an elegant, sans serif, display typeface. Display typefaces are designed for large sizes, such as headings, making it an ideal place to start.

To get to our logo, we modified the 'A' strokes so they match the width of the 'Q' stroke.

You'll notice there's a slight space between the first 'A' and the 'Q', but no space between the 'Q' and the final 'A'.

Why is this? Keeping the final two letters together gives us the AQA stroke motif – helping our audience to recognise us instantly and symbolise how AQA's forward thinking and continuous improvement.But joining the first two letters causes legibility issues.

This is not a problem when the logo is large, but in practice, most people will view it on a small scale. To keep the logo's integrity and readability, we've opted for that small gap.Think of it as another example of AQA doing the right thing, even if it doesn't follow what some might expect.

When not to use the strapline
If you feel there is a business reason the logo should not include our strapline ‘Questions matter’ for a specific use, please email

The minimum font size for the strapline (web) is 14 point. The minimum font size for the strapline (large print) is 16 point.

If you need to use the logo at a size where the strapline is smaller than these minimums, then remove 'Questions matter'.

Don't use the strapline when using the logo as a favicon, small icon or where the font size is less than 14 point.

What size should the logo be?

The logo's aspect ratio is 16:9.
Minimum size 48mm.
Minimum font size 16pt.

How do we use the logo?

The logo's safe zone is equivalent to the 'O' part of our AQA. Ensure this space is left around our logo so it can breathe and shine. 

The distance between AQA and our strapline is always the width of the Q stroke.  Our strapline is always centre justified. 

The strapline should always reach the edge of the 'A' stroke on each side.

Does the logo come in other colours?

We primarily use the logo in AQA's purple on a white background.
If you need it to make an impact on a different background, use the options below.

What are the logo lockups?

The AQA logo lockups consist of the AQA logo and our strapline ‘Questions matter’ set in Open Sans.
The following slides show how to use the lockups.

If you feel there is a business reason the logo should not include our strapline ‘Questions matter’ for a specific use, please email
Logo dos
Logo don'ts
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